Saturday, January 29, 2011


It's sad, they say you don't know what you have till it's gone. Well Sweden and Denmark have passed us now, and I can easily say that they were the best two weeks of my life. Its not the fact that we got to go out and party every night, but it was simply the fact of learning a new culture. I've learned an exponential amount of information that I can't even put into words. I thought that our cultures would be close to similar boy was I wrong. I was so glad that I did this trip and that I got to experience Sweden and Denmark.
Yesterday was a solid finish to the trip with out a doubt. Max and I coordinate our meals for lunch and dinner and it couldn't have turned out better. The first place was like an old western bar. Walked in and they had saddles as seats. We all either ordered the fish and steak or the giant hamburger. I got the hamburger and it was great. Then we went to Carlsburg brewery to my disappointment it wasn't a brewery, but the site and presentation were great. Then we wandered around the city till dinner.
Dinner was excellent we went to Flora's, a great steak house, by far a great end to our trip meals.
Considering we were in Copenhagen  we had to go to the ice bar. Boy was it crazy it was the reopening night so it wasnt so crowded, but the sheer atmosphere was sick. We danced around in our capes for awhile and enjoyed a few cocktails drinking out of  ice cups.  Last we went Rosie Mcgee's and it just got crazy.
Needless to say it was a great successful trip, and I couldn't have learned more.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Last 24 hours

The last 24 hours have been extremely interesting. We started of the day by doing our last company visit at Wireless car. Which I thought was a very cool company, my only problem was that they do not defer from their competitors. After enjoying the wonderful expresso machine we were finally free for the day.
Max and I decided to take a thirty minute trolly ride and then another 20 minute boat ride out to the main Island. It was gorgeous, the only problem was that it felt like it was 10 degrees outside. We were the only ones to get off the boat at that stop and we began to walk around the island, we walked for 20 minutes with out seeing a single person, all houses were boarded up and everything was shut down. This appeared to be everyones summer houses. We walked around some more and finally found some people. Then off in the corner of my eye I saw what appeared to be a mountain. For the purposes of fun and scenic views I declared it K2 and that Max and I had to climb it. We began our ascent, only problem is we couldn't find the entrance. We ended up in this amazing harbor which was encased by mountains. After traveling for an hour I finally found an off passage. It was passage that went over the river and through the woods to grandma's house.. But literally it was an Iced path which was super sketchy. After a good hour of climbing I finally got to the top. Most beautiful thing I have seen in my entire trip, other than the women of course.

 Then we went out to a three course Italian meal as a group and it was alright, kinda had italian a lot. Then we wanted to go out to the college bar. We got to the college bar and the bouncer told us that we needed to be students. So I was the last one in line and I figured being the youngest I would be kicked out. So I grab a hot girl that was about to go into the bar and I asked her quickly if she could get me in. We locked arms and she talked to the bouncer and I was the first person in, after that the entire group followed suit.
Today I woke up, packed and ran out the door. Of course I feel like I forgot something, but probably won't know. Anyways the flight was cool and short to watch then we finally touched down in Coppenhagen. We had to walk a mile one way to our hotel. This was a long hike especially seeing I had to carry my luggage on my head. After some time of walking we finally arrived. To our disbelief it was the wrong CAB INN, thats the definition of irony.  So we walked all the way back to the train station. Then when we got to the real place we had to walk to our other hotel which was a half mile away.
I am beat, as for now I can say that I like Sweden much better than Denmark, but hey I will give it a chance.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Heaven 23

Alright, today was a new experience and I am always down for something new, for the most part. We sat in two college lectures here at Gothenburg University. They talked about foreign policy and some what of Europe's economy; for the most part it was very interesting. Apparently my classmates thought otherwise or everyone just went way to hard last night. (Way to hard- Partied to much) Anyways we had our typical fica break every time the professor lost his train of thought. He finally decided to declare lunch and we headed down to the Dubliner. The local irish pub. We all ordered boiled fish, now I've heard of baked and deep fried but boiled? Maybe it was something Irish, anyways the fish was fantastic. The second class was a continuation of the first one, but this time the hot blonde girl decide she wanted to sit next to me, she came close and tried to pull out the desk but it was jammed so she moved down a chair. Darn! Now what I was thinking in my head but was a bit slow to act, maybe I should pull it out for her. Well it never happened, I sat there day dreaming.
After class we were on our own. I spent my free time with Max trying to hunt down family gifts and such. I was successful but it took some time. Anyways dinner consisted of some peanut butter and jelly, this was my attempt to save some money for my nightly affairs.
Our game plan changed periodically through out the night, but for the most part it was to live it up.We first headed to Kan's our favorite bartender and the cheapest place around, we all had a few drinks and shared a good time. Then we split into two groups, half of us going to Heaven 23 or Sky bar; pick your fancy. Anyways we ended up at top of the tallest tower over looking all of Gothenburg, Im talking magnificent views and some how I managed to get in amongst these successful wealthy business men. I felt like a boss, so what other way but to continue the feeling. So I bought a nice martini, with an ingredient that is illegal in the U.S. The drink was great, but you know what was better. The looks of these business men and women at us, looking like what are these spoiled rich kids doing up in our bar. Classic!
After that we rode the clear glass elevator all the way down from the sky bar. It was awesome.
Ohh yea, the coat lady put my coat on for me, thats how you know I was classy. :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Swedish Rant

So apparently my blog is getting quite a few hits from the folks back home and around the world.
I thought I would use this time to rant about a few of the not so great things here in Sweden. Don't get me wrong I love Sweden an want to move here, but there are a few things that they can fix.
1. First and foremost as of now it is never sunny, how can they live it is very depressing with no sunlight ever. I mean you can't enjoy your beautiful country when its always dark. And it is always raining or snowing, how am I supposed to enjoy Sweden's beautiful girls if you can't see them or they are indoors.
Next everything is backwards. All the doors are push to open and for some reason they decided that they like to make their doors extremely heavy. Next all this eco friendly stuff is great, but if I can't sit in my room with light or have to put my card on the wall it just ads to the dark and is depressing. And why is that the toilet has two flushing capabilities. I want to flush the toilet not choose how I flush it. And when I want to go to the grocery store they have only bio degradable bags, otherwise you need to pay for them. I almost got arrested because I tried to use a normal bag for my beer for once. Thats another thing, this country is depressing because it always dark, you would think they would sell alcohol that is not in the Systembolaget. I understand that the government wants to control it but come on all we got is drinking. And really I'm not going to go to the bar and spend 40 dollars on a drink, Oh wait I have. Everything is so overly expensive including alcohol, we just want to have a good time with out paying a damn coat fee or over paying for a simple drink. Speaking of drinks, if I don't want to drink I go for water. Well someone decided that they would be brilliant and put bubbles in my water. They were dumb, every time I go to get water it has the stupid bubbles in it and it taste like garbage. It is so bad I don't know how Swede's tolerate it.
Also, they all drive the same cars, they are all hatchback volvo's. Don't you think someone would want a sports car or to be different. And next to that how do they get around, besides public transportation, gas is so expensive its unreal.
These last few things aren't really bad, well kinda. They walk there dogs everywhere, well these dogs go to the bathroom everywhere and for the most part they clean it up, but I've almost stepped in enough dog droppings that it has become a problem. Next they have this thing called a Fica break, I think America should adopt it but, I feel like they never work. If they get bored of a meeting they just call for a break. Next, I have not seen one obese person here in Sweden. This is not a bad thing, how ever in my world not everyone can be fit and skinny and look like supermodels, this is sad because some time I have to go back to the reality I call America.
Don't worry I will have a blog about the things I love. Till then.

Back to Business

Today we went to visit our buddy Bert over at ABB. We actually saw the robots in action which was very cool. He talked about project management and gave a fairly good perspective of what you have to do in order to be a project manager. Which to my convenience entails both accounting and marketing which are my majors. Anyways we had a good fish fry at their caf. I always feel like ABB is holding a super robot with all the security measures they have in there.

Anyways, we snuck on to the buses this time. No issues their today. Then we went to Skapa and had the best presentation and second best with information to me. I got to talk to him personally for a little after everyone left on how he got his first clients and how he started the company. Basically he started locally and did free seminars. This was interesting to me because when he talked about writing his websites and such; again I knew that all and I've tried to run a company per-say. I just hit a wall and could not achieve anymore. So his advice and words to me were unique, but very true. I definitely out of all companies would like to work for him. Did you see their office? It was so laid back and fun looking.

Next we went to our favorite place Pasta haus and I got the same thing I had last time always good. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Packers Suck!!

Today, well today was a bit of a bummer... I woke up to late for breakfast because we had to much fun last night, but it was much worth it. Next Max finally dragged me out of the hostile and we decided to head to Haga for his lunch and my breakfast. I couldn't read the menu so I ordered with my eyes. Turns out my eyes have a much ritzier taste.

After that Max and I headed to Art Museum, we planned on going out to the islands, but we decided that it would be too dark by the time we could admire the beauty. Turns out that the Swedish Art Museum was very interesting, despite not knowing a thing about any of the pieces.

We got back and decided to do the Iron Chef in the hostile kitchen here. To be honest I thought that it was going to be a disaster. To my disbelief it turned out to be a great success.

After that we went to the North American Bar for the Bears vs Packers game....

Well this is just where I'm going to end my blog for the day........
Tonight was one of the best nights of my life hands down. It started off by us waking up a bit to late after we re fell asleep for breakfast. We got all four of us ready and out the door by 1230, our original plans were to meet up with the college and do the scavenger hunt, but apparently some people like to take 3 hour showers. So we changed directions and headed towards the Cultural Museum. Once we got in I was a little skeptical because there were hundreds of little kids running around. We just stuck to our plan and headed up the stairs which was easily the coolest modern articulate building around. Anyways the it had some awesome exhibits such as a few of the pictures following. Now it may not seem so cool but if you read the captions on the piece it made it much cooler.

After the Cultural museum we jumped on the train as a group and headed to the hockey game. Now I love hockey it is a fun sport to watch. So naturally I was very excited. As soon as we walked in to the place we found our seats at the very top of the stadium. Which in America would be awful, but in Sweden it seemed to be a prime place. They started to get rowdy, the stadium turned dark and fire was exploding to the music  as the Indians took the ice. Needless to say that European countries are a lot more passionate for there sports than us americans are. I ended up buying a sick jersey, which is my souvenir but all in all the game was amazing, the crowd was wild and they won. 
Now, Im thinking how much better can today get anyways.

Well it just started we went to a fancy restaurant and enjoyed some of the best food so far. I was the only one to order this Pardelli or what ever noodle it is and some beef. Excellent.. enough said.
Alright now I was really wondering if the night could get any better.
Considering the fact that I am 19 and all off the older members wanted to go to the most happening club in Gothenburg, the chances of me getting in were slim. 
So Max came up with this brilliant idea. Considering the fact that when we walk around we look like straight foreigners which we were, he decided that I being the most Swedish looking one should dress like I'm swedish. I was sold. I put on my tightest jeans wore my dress shoes, long black socks, rolled them at the bottom, and gelled my hair to high heaven. Several girls couldn't believe me that I was not Swedish. Bam I was in..

So we all walk down to the club as a group. Apparently you have to be 22-25 tonight, we seems like my night might just end dry. I decided to head in behind a few girls in our group that way if they get in I can get in with them. Then I see this Swedish model walking towards the end of the line and her three best friends. I played it smooth and called her over. She absolutely loved me. She told me everything I need to learn under the sun about there culture, plus she was a beautiful model. So I kept on talking to her and she was convinced that even after I showed her my ID that I was swedish. Anyways a few members  in our group roll up to the bouncer and they get denied. Then I roll up with the Swedish model around my arm and 3 of my friends. She talks to the guard smiles and then....BOOOOOMMMM were in. I talked with her and danced with her for a while, then she told me that she will catch me later. This club was sick. Take my first clubbing experience and multiply that by at least 100. 
Moral of the story it helps to be European in Sweden, but it helps more if you walk in with the hottest model in the club on your arm!!!!
Pictures will be up.